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Film Processing Proofing & Archiving Process & Print Prints from Negatives Prints from Transparencies Prints from Digital Files
35mm Professional Service
120 Professional Service
35mm Process & Print from Transparency Films
120 Process & Print from Transparency Films

35mm Process & Print
Standard Service

Your film processed and high quality colour corrected borderless fixed format prints
are then produced on gloss surface paper. A cost effective service, ideal for general
photography such as family, holiday photos and landscapes.

Gloss surface paper only Normal in lab time 2 days
Standard Service
6 x 4 7.5 x 5 9 x 6 12 x 8
35mm 24 exposure 5.55 8.35 10.30 19.55
35mm 36 exposure 7.95 11.95 14.70 27.95
Extra sets of prints, ordered at the same time as the film is processed, plus 50%

Process & Print Quantity Discounts
3 + rolls less 10% 5 + rolls less 12% 10 + rolls less 15%
Send in three or more films of the same type at the same time for the same
process & print service to qualify for the following discounts.

35mm Process & Print
Professional Service

Your film processed and professional quality, video analysed, colour corrected fixed
format prints are then produced on gloss or satin matt surface paper. Our professional
service is ideal for weddings, studio portraiture, glamour photography or where flesh tones and colour consistency are paramount. This service is specifically recommended for all professional and specialist C41 process films. All prints are individually assessed to produce optimum results.

Gloss or satin matt surface paper Normal in lab time 2 days
35mm Professional Service 6 x 4 7.5 x 5 9 x 6 12 x 8
35mm 24 exposure 6.94 10.75 12.95 24.50
35mm 36 exposure 9.95 14.90 18.40 34.90
Extra sets of prints, ordered at the same time as the film is processed, plus 50%

Process & Print Quantity Discounts
3 + rolls less 10% 5 + rolls less 12% 10 + rolls less 15%
Send in three or more films of the same type at the same time for the same
process & print service to qualify for the following discounts.

120 Process & Print
Professional Service

Your film processed and professional quality, video analysed, colour corrected fixed format prints are then produced on gloss or satin matt surface paper. Our professional service is ideal for weddings, studio portraiture, glamour photography or where flesh tones and colour consistency are paramount. This service is specifically recommended for all professional and specialist C41 process films. All prints are individually assessed to produce optimum results.

Gloss or satin matt surface paper Normal in lab time 3 days
120 Professional Service 5 x 4 5 x 5 7 x 5 8 x 6 8 x 8 10 x 8 10 x 10
120/10 6.15 8.35 11.50 15.50
120/12 7.25 12.75 19.70
120/15 7.95 10.90 14.75 20.75
Extra sets of prints, ordered at the same time as the film is processed, plus 50%

Process & Print Quantity Discounts
3 + rolls less 10% 5 + rolls less 12% 10 + rolls less 15%
Send in three or more films of the same type at the same time for the same
process & print service to qualify for the following discounts.

35mm Process & Print
From E6 Transparency Films

Your film is processed and superb quality digital prints are produced direct from your transparencies on Fuji Crystal Archive gloss surface paper. Transparencies can be mounted in plastic if required.

Gloss surface paper only Normal in lab time 5 days
35mm Process & Print from E6 6 x 4 7.5 x 5 9 x 6 Mounting in Plastic
35mm 24 exposure 10.25 14.95 19.85 plus 1.19
35mm 36 exposure 14.75 21.50 27.95 plus 1.70
Extra sets of prints, ordered at the same time as the film is processed, plus 50%

120 Process & Print
From E6 Transparency Films

Your film is processed and superb quality digital prints are produced direct from your transparencies on Fuji Crystal Archive gloss surface paper. 


Gloss surface paper only Normal in lab time 5 days
120 Process & Print from E6 5 x 4 5 x 5 7 x 5
120/10 9.25   12.50
120/12   10.90  
120/15 11.95 16.25
Extra sets of prints, ordered at the same time as the film is processed, plus 50%