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Film Processing Proofing & Archiving Process & Print Prints from Negatives Prints from Transparencies Prints from Digital Files
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Photographic Prints from Digital Files
Scanning & CD Archiving to CD-ROM

Index Prints from 35mm Negative Film

Index prints can be produced from 35mm negative film (colour or black & white) at the time of processing. A small image from each frame of your film is printed to a single sheet of paper. With colour negative film the frame numbers are also printed. Index prints can be produced in two sizes 5 & 10 inches and are ideal for filing purposes, allowing you to identify and select the best images without damage to your negatives.

Please note that index prints from black & white films are not numbered and are only available on 5" paper.

Also note that it is not possible with the current software to produce index prints from transparencies.




Digital Contacts (Reference Prints)
from Roll Film

10 x 8 digital contact prints can be produced from roll film negatives (colour or black & white) at the time of processing. A contact sized image from each frame of your film is printed to a single sheet of paper.

Please note that although pictures are printed in the correct order the individual frames are not numbered due to lack of information on the film base.

Also note that it is impossible with the current software to produce digital contact prints from transparencies.

Photographic Prints from Digital Files

In the past if you wanted a print from a digital file you were limited to thermal, dye sublimation or inkjet printing. Or, if you felt like splashing out, you could have a separate negative made from the file to print from.

Now, using new digital technology we can write digital image files from camera or computer, direct to continuous tone photographic paper using the latest digital printers.

RGB lasers output your image direct to photographic paper without the use of lenses producing a better quality and more stable image than can be achieved using conventional inkjet printing. This service is the ideal output medium for customers who retouch or manipulate scanned images - the results are superb. The photographic paper used, Fuji Crystal Archive, is guaranteed for 60 years.

File Formats and Resolution
We can accept most digital camera file formats plus images from Photo CD, Photoshop and Corel together with any TIFF or JPEG file. Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) documents can also be printed, providing all fonts are converted to paths or curves.

If you are scanning negatives or transparencies specifically for this service and you require the best possible quality, scan in RGB mode and scale the image to the print size required to end up with a target resolution of 300dpi.

To work this out divide the print length by the length of the original to give you the magnification factor then multiply by the target resolution.

e.g. if you require a 12" x 8" print from a 35mm transparency scan the image at 2400 dpi.
(12" divided by 1.5" = 8. 8 x 300 = 2400).

Save the file as TIFF or JPEG.

Finally, please check your camera or file size against the minimum recommendations below.

Image Quality Excellent
300 dpi
200 dpi
100 dpi
Print Size
Print Size
Ideal size of image (pixels) Minimum recommended size of image (pixels) Minimum acceptable size of image (pixels
6 x 4 15 x 10 1800 x 1200 1200 x 800 600 x 400
9 x 6 20 x 15 2700 x 1800 1800 x 1200 900 x 600
12 x 8 30 x 20 3600 x 2400 2400 x 1600 1200 x 800
15 x 10 40 x 25 4500 x 3000 3000 x 2000 1500 x 1000

The above print sizes are based on industry standard 35mm film, which uses a format ratio of 3 to 2 (36mm x 24mm). Image files sent in using this format utilise the full paper size without serious cropping of the image.

If you send us image files of a different format eg. standard VDU 3 to 4 ratio then we will print to a slightly reduced size to ensure we print the entire image. There will of course be borders on the print, these can be trimmed of if required.

Please note that the final quality of the print depends to a great extent on file size and image resolution. If you request a print size larger than recommended for a given resolution or file size, it may appear coarse or pixilated. All prints are on glossy.

If you require help or advice about file size and formats please contact us by email, or phone 0870 126 6100 and ask for the digital help desk.


Your files can be sent on 3.5" diskettes, Zip disks Jazz drives or CD. These will be returned with your order. You can also email small JPEG files to us at digipix@peak-imaging.com

Scanning and Archiving to CD-ROM
Peak offer you three levels of scanning service :

CD Image
CD Archiving
Selective CD Archiving Service
Custom Scanning Service

CD Image
CD-ROM produced from 35mm negatives at the time of processing.  Each frame on your film is scanned to a 100k thumbnail file and a JPEG file that opens out at approx 6.5Mb.  Suitable for screen viewing, small 6x4 photo-digital prints, Internet and email purposes.  Free viewing software on the CD enables you to view, zoom, rotate, print and produce a slide show.


CD Archiving
Medium quality scans produced from 35mm negatives and transparencies at the time of processing and written to CD-ROM.  Each image on your film is scanned to an RGB JPEG file that opens out at approx. 14Mb.  Suitable for archive purposes, photo manipulation and high quality photo-digital prints to 12 x 8.

Selective CD
Archiving Service

Rather than scanning a full film, complete with spoiled shots and duplicate images, this service offers the opportunity to scan just your favourite images to CD-ROM. This in turn allows us to produce high resolution RGB JPEG scans which open out at about 25Mb. Ideal for archive purposes or computer manipulation using Photoshop and similar programs.

Custom Scanning Service
We offer a complete scanning service for the photographer and can produce high resolution image files for output to film, print or CD-Rom. We can scan artwork and photographs up to A4, negatives and transparencies from 35mm to 10x8 using a range of networked scanners.

By default we scan to RGB colour and produce TIFF or JPEG files. Ideally, high quality scans should be produced with the final image size and output device in mind and we are happy to advise customers and produce scans to specification. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you require technical help or information.

All our output devices use RGB colour and by default we always scan in RGB colour space.  We can also scan to CMYK if requested at no extra charge.