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Current Peak Points Discount Offers

Peak Points Overview

Peak Points reward regular customers with generous discounts on a range of special print offers and other services over the Winter period. One point is awarded for every £1 you spend with Peak. Every order you send will earn points and each invoice you receive will indicate the total amount of points accrued to-date. Customers who have accrued points during the year can claim a discount during Winter on selected services in line with the scale shown.

Points accrued Discount given
25 - 49 10%
50 - 99 12%
100 - 249 15%
250 - 499 20%
500 - 999 25%
1000 - 1999 30%
2000+ 35%

e.g. A customer with 102 points will be given 15% discount on the current months special offer

Note that Points continue to build throughout the year and there is no limit to the number of orders that can be placed. Every Peak Points discounted order you send in also accrues points, providing you with even greater discounts. All discounts remain valid until 31st March when all points will be reset to zero for the start of the new season. Please note that these discounts cannot be used in conjunction with vouchers or other special offers from Peak Imaging.