To the Peak Imaging home page
If possible, please use Peak Imaging order forms and provide explicit written instructions that cannot be misinterpreted. Please quote your customer number where possible, and in the event that we need to contact you regarding your order please include at least one telephone number. The placing of an order confirms your acceptance of our Terms Of Business.
UK Customers
Please include payment with your order. Payment may be made by cheque, credit card, debit card or postal order (make cheques and postal orders payable to PEAK IMAGING). All prices shown on this website are in pounds sterling and inclusive of V.A.T.
Overseas Customers
Regretfully we can only accept credit card payments from overseas customers, and an added charge of £2.50 will be made to cover the cost of extra packaging and return Airmail. FREEPOST is not available to customers outside the UK, so overseas orders should be addressed to PEAK IMAGING, Rockingham House, Broad Lane, Sheffield, S1 3PP, UK.
Postage & Packaging
We charge a nominal £1.50 per order (75p for a single film - process only) to help cover the cost of First Class return postage and packaging within the UK. Heavy or bulky items, such as mounted prints, will incur an additional charge of £5.75. All prints up to and including 12" x 10" will normally be packed flat, larger prints will be rolled and supplied in a postal tube. Print sizes up to 30" x 20" can be supplied flat at an additional charge of £5.75 per order. We will, at your request, despatch orders via Special / Recorded Delivery or independent carrier. Charges will be made at cost.
The times quoted throughout this website are given as a guide to average in-lab turnaround times. Occasionally, due to seasonal workload variations, turnaround times may be exceeded. Also, please remember that Freepost is a Second Class postal service. If you require an order urgently, please use First Class post or Special Delivery.
The film type, along with any special processing instructions, MUST be clearly marked on your order form and on the outside of the film container. This is of particular importance when using sheet film or re-loadable 35mm cassettes. When film is cut from bulk stock please ensure that the film is cut to the exact length or shorter, as over-long film can foul the processing machinery.
Certain film formats are incompatible with standard industry sizes (a 35mm full frame to 10" x 8" requires substantial cropping). Please select a compatible print size or allow for this when ordering. Sizes shown are in inches and may be fractionally under or over the sizes quoted. All prints (excepting some from digital media) are trimmed borderless).
Colour is a subjective medium. If you require us to match a previous order, please include a sample print. Note, however, that due to paper batch variations and the limitations of the dyes used in the photographic process, it is not always possible to guarantee an exact colour match of guide prints / samples. In the absence of specific instructions we will use our own judgement aiming for a broadly neutral print.
Please note that all black & white prints are produced digitally onto colour paper.
Orders for reproduction of photographs etc., are accepted on the strict understanding that the customer holds the copyright. the customer must assume liability for any resulting action brought about by a third party.
It is impossible for the Company to assess the value of originals and unprocessed film supplied by the customer, and the charges made for our services do not reflect or incorporate unlimited liability. Customers should insure work of a special value and advise us accordingly. All orders for processing and printing are accepted on the basis that their value does not exceed the cost of equivalent new unprocessed material. Liability for loss or damage is limited to replacement of the material itself in accordance with usual laboratory practice.