To the Peak Imaging home page
Since Peak Imaging was established way back in 1979 we have built up an enviable reputation as one of the UK's leading mail order pro-am photographic laboratories, a reputation that stems from a total commitment to delivering services of a quality that is second to none.
With an ever-increasing number of customers using digital cameras, scanners and computers we continue to extend our range of digital services to provide the widest range of pro-am digital imaging services available in the UK. We offer an array of scanning and printing services and many of our customers are archiving their best images (often taken over many years) to CD-ROM using our Selective CD Archiving service. Scanning film to CD affords the many benefits of digital technology, such as image enhancement and internet use, to photographers still committed to the quality and convenience of film. Once an image is in the digital domain, the creative possibilities are endless.


Peak Imaging remains committed to staying at the forefront of imaging technology and we continue to invest heavily in state-of-the-art photo-digital imaging equipment. We are, however, acutely aware that the best equipment in the world is worthless without a skilled and experienced workforce dedicated to the pursuit of excellence. Photography is such a subjective medium that technology alone cannot hope to deliver optimal results - the eyes of our trained staff are still the only way to ensure that our customers' creative efforts are best served.
Our aims have not changed since we started the business over 20 years ago - namely, to exceed our customers' expectations with a complete range of premium-quality imaging services at competitive prices.
Peak Imaging is the Pro-am trading name of Propix Limited. Registered in England No 1356980
Website design: Rich Simisker 2001 [click me!]