film is processed and borderless, colour-corrected machine prints
on satin matt or gloss surface paper are then produced from each
correctly exposed negative. Each print is then carefully assessed
for density and colour balance and reprinted if necessary.
The prints produced are from substantially the whole of the negative.
A certain amount of cropping is unavoidable and it's important to
choose a print size that matches the negative format to minimise
this (see notes on cropping).
Our professional process & print service is the most cost-effective
way of obtaining high-quality, colour-corrected prints at the time
of film processing. The film is processed and, because this is a
fixed price service with no refunds for unexposed negatives, the
prints are heavily discounted. Multiple rolls of film and extra
prints produced at the same time offer even better value for money.
Our professional service is ideal for weddings, studio portraiture,
glamour photography or where flesh tones and colour consistency
are paramount. This service is specifically recommended for all
professional and specialist C41 process films.