Bill Hall

Most of my photography comes into the "People and Places" category with my job as a service engineer taking me to many places you wouldn’t normally get to.  

My favourite photos locations are North India and Pakistan for the local colour, character and light.  China can be good yet depressingly grey with bleak and barren landscapes.  I also do a fair bit in the U.K., favourite locations being the Scottish Highlands, Northumberland and the Peak District.

My approach to people photography is generally to ask if they don’t mind me taking a photo. Even if they do not understand English, gestures for a photo are universal, always delivered with a smile, and I rarely get refused.  I have found that the most successful people pictures have eye contact, so a direct approach is essential.  Any negative responses and I just hold up my hand, say sorry, and walk away.

I try to look for characters, older people and kids. Often the two go together in the East, as grandparents tend to look after the small children during the day.  Prime locations are markets, bazaars and side streets where you can get people in the shade, under awnings, in shop doorways etc. out of the full glare of the sun with enough light bouncing around to give reasonable shutter/aperture combinations.  I normally use aperture priority with the lens at f5.6 and the shutter to whatever the camera sets. If the shutter speed is too slow I will open up a bit on the lens if possible.  If struggling for speed, then a monopod is invaluable.  Cameras are Nikon, film invariably Fuji Velvia or Sensia 100.

I am also a keen club man having been a member of the Rolls-Royce Derby P.S., since the early 80’s.  I enter most of the British exhibitions, achieving B.P.E.3*, (100 acceptances) last year.  I am now putting a bit back into club photography, doing some talks and judging in the NEMPF (North and East Midlands Fed) area.

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© Bill Hall