Shades of Purple

The shades of purple are the range of hues between red and blue. Historically speaking, shades of purple were some of the most difficult to produce, and were therefore associated with luxury, royalty, and wealth. Notable shades of purple include Tyrian purple, Han purple, royal purple, and mauve.

List of Purple Shades

Color Name Hex Code RGB Code
Amaranth #9F2B68 rgb(159, 43, 104)
Bright Purple #BF40BF rgb(191, 64, 191)
Burgundy #800020 rgb(128, 0, 32)
Byzantium #702963 rgb(112, 41, 99)
Dark Pink #AA336A rgb(170, 51, 106)
Dark Purple #301934 rgb(48, 25, 52)
Eggplant #483248 rgb(72, 50, 72)
Iris #5D3FD3 rgb(93, 63, 211)
Lavender #E6E6FA rgb(230, 230, 250)
Light Purple #CBC3E3 rgb(203, 195, 227)
Light Violet #CF9FFF rgb(207, 159, 255)
Lilac #AA98A9 rgb(170, 152, 169)
Mauve #E0B0FF rgb(224, 176, 255)
Mauve Taupe #915F6D rgb(145, 95, 109)
Mulberry #770737 rgb(119, 7, 55)
Orchid #DA70D6 rgb(218, 112, 214)
Pastel Purple #C3B1E1 rgb(195, 177, 225)
Periwinkle #CCCCFF rgb(204, 204, 255)
Plum #673147 rgb(103, 49, 71)
Puce #A95C68 rgb(169, 92, 104)
Purple #800080 rgb(128, 0, 128)
Quartz #51414F rgb(81, 65, 79)
Red Purple #953553 rgb(149, 53, 83)
Thistle #D8BFD8 rgb(216, 191, 216)
Tyrian Purple #630330 rgb(99, 3, 48)
Violet #7F00FF rgb(127, 0, 255)
Wine #722F37 rgb(114, 47, 55)
Wisteria #BDB5D5 rgb(189, 181, 213)

Purple Color Meaning & Personality

Explore the different shades of purple and their meanings. Each shade of purple carries its own personality, evoking a range of emotions and feelings. Discover what each shade says about you or how it makes you feel.


Hex Code: #9F2B68 | RGB: rgb(159, 43, 104)

Meaning: Amaranth is bold and romantic, symbolizing passion, energy, and creativity. It’s a vibrant shade that represents courage and a strong will.

Bright Purple

Hex Code: #BF40BF | RGB: rgb(191, 64, 191)

Meaning: Bright Purple is lively and energetic, symbolizing inspiration, imagination, and independence. It’s a color of individuality and self-expression.


Hex Code: #800020 | RGB: rgb(128, 0, 32)

Meaning: Burgundy is deep and sophisticated, representing ambition, power, and wealth. It’s a mature color that conveys elegance and refinement.


Hex Code: #702963 | RGB: rgb(112, 41, 99)

Meaning: Byzantium is mysterious and royal, symbolizing nobility, intrigue, and creativity. It’s a shade that reflects luxury and a sense of the unknown.

Dark Pink

Hex Code: #AA336A | RGB: rgb(170, 51, 106)

Meaning: Dark Pink is passionate and vibrant, symbolizing love, confidence, and charm. It’s a playful and sophisticated shade.

Dark Purple

Hex Code: #301934 | RGB: rgb(48, 25, 52)

Meaning: Dark Purple is rich and mysterious, representing depth, wisdom, and luxury. It’s a color associated with mystery and the unknown.


Hex Code: #483248 | RGB: rgb(72, 50, 72)

Meaning: Eggplant is dark and elegant, symbolizing sophistication, strength, and a sense of the exotic. It’s a unique and distinctive shade.


Hex Code: #5D3FD3 | RGB: rgb(93, 63, 211)

Meaning: Iris is bright and imaginative, representing creativity, spirituality, and dreams. It’s a color that encourages innovation and original thinking.


Hex Code: #E6E6FA | RGB: rgb(230, 230, 250)

Meaning: Lavender is gentle and soothing, symbolizing calmness, relaxation, and grace. It’s a color of tranquility and subtle beauty.

Light Purple

Hex Code: #CBC3E3 | RGB: rgb(203, 195, 227)

Meaning: Light Purple is soft and delicate, representing innocence, enchantment, and calm. It’s a gentle color that evokes a sense of wonder.

Light Violet

Hex Code: #CF9FFF | RGB: rgb(207, 159, 255)

Meaning: Light Violet is dreamy and magical, symbolizing inspiration, mystery, and the ethereal. It’s a color that stimulates imagination and creativity.


Hex Code: #AA98A9 | RGB: rgb(170, 152, 169)

Meaning: Lilac is romantic and gentle, representing love, purity, and nostalgia. It’s a soft and feminine shade that brings a sense of calm.


Hex Code: #E0B0FF | RGB: rgb(224, 176, 255)

Meaning: Mauve is refined and elegant, symbolizing sophistication, femininity, and subtlety. It’s a delicate shade that conveys quiet strength.

Mauve Taupe

Hex Code: #915F6D | RGB: rgb(145, 95, 109)

Meaning: Mauve Taupe is muted and earthy, symbolizing stability, calm, and a sense of nostalgia. It’s a timeless and classic shade.


Hex Code: #770737 | RGB: rgb(119, 7, 55)

Meaning: Mulberry is bold and striking, representing passion, creativity, and individuality. It’s a rich and daring color that stands out.


Hex Code: #DA70D6 | RGB: rgb(218, 112, 214)

Meaning: Orchid is exotic and playful, symbolizing beauty, creativity, and charm. It’s a vibrant color that evokes a sense of luxury and allure.

Pastel Purple

Hex Code: #C3B1E1 | RGB: rgb(195, 177, 225)

Meaning: Pastel Purple is light and whimsical, symbolizing creativity, youth, and imagination. It’s a delicate shade that inspires a playful and dreamy mood.


Hex Code: #CCCCFF | RGB: rgb(204, 204, 255)

Meaning: Periwinkle is soft and comforting, representing serenity, calmness, and spiritual healing. It’s a gentle color that encourages tranquility.


Hex Code: #673147 | RGB: rgb(103, 49, 71)

Meaning: Plum is deep and mysterious, symbolizing strength, luxury, and power. It’s a rich color that conveys elegance and sophistication.


Hex Code: #A95C68 | RGB: rgb(169, 92, 104)

Meaning: Puce is muted and warm, representing compassion, subtlety, and maturity. It’s a refined color that suggests understated elegance.


Hex Code: #800080 | RGB: rgb(128, 0, 128)

Meaning: Purple is royal and mystical, symbolizing spirituality, ambition, and luxury. It’s a color that evokes creativity and a sense of wonder.


Hex Code: #51414F | RGB: rgb(81, 65, 79)

Meaning: Quartz is dark and grounded, symbolizing stability, protection, and strength. It’s a color that reflects resilience and elegance.

Red Purple

Hex Code: #953553 | RGB: rgb(149, 53, 83)

Meaning: Red Purple is bold and passionate, representing power, intensity, and confidence. It’s a color that stands for strength and bold expression.


Hex Code: #D8BFD8 | RGB: rgb(216, 191, 216)

Meaning: Thistle is soft and light, symbolizing innocence, grace, and gentleness. It’s a subtle color that suggests a sense of elegance and delicacy.

Tyrian Purple

Hex Code: #630330 | RGB: rgb(99, 3, 48)

Meaning: Tyrian Purple is historic and royal, symbolizing power, nobility, and luxury. It’s a deep shade that carries a sense of importance and grandeur.


Hex Code: #7F00FF | RGB: rgb(127, 0, 255)

Meaning: Violet is mystical and enchanting, symbolizing creativity, spirituality, and wisdom. It’s a color that encourages imagination and a sense of wonder.


Hex Code: #722F37 | RGB: rgb(114, 47, 55)

Meaning: Wine is rich and elegant, symbolizing sophistication, depth, and luxury. It’s a color that conveys a sense of refinement and maturity.


Hex Code: #BDB5D5 | RGB: rgb(189, 181, 213)

Meaning: Wisteria is soft and whimsical, representing grace, romance, and serenity. It’s a gentle shade that suggests a sense of elegance and charm.